

阿迪森病                                     Addison disease

阿尔茨海默病                           Alzheimer disease

阿米巴病                           amoebiasis

肠外阿米巴病                               extraintestinal amoebiasis

阿米巴肿                           amoeboma


癌基因                                      oncogene                           

癌胚抗原                                          carcino-embryonic antigen, CEA

APUD细胞                                     amine precursor uptake decarboxylation cell

癌前病变                                          precancerous lesion

癌肉瘤                                      carcinosarcoma                       

癌症                                                 cancer                              

艾滋病                                            acquired immunodeficiency syndromeAIDS


白细胞边集                               leukocytic margintion

白细胞三烯                               leukotriene

白血病                                      leukemia

急性粒细胞白血病                            acute myelogenous leukemia

慢性淋巴细胞白血病                 chronic lymphcytic leukemia

慢性粒细胞白血病                            chronic myelogenous leukemia

急性淋巴母细胞白血病                     acute lymphoblastic leukemia

败血症                                      septicemia

瘢痕                                                 scar

瘢痕疙瘩                                          keliod

包裹                                                 encapsulation

包虫病                             hydatid disease

Berger                                          Berger's disease

鼻咽癌                                      nasopharyngeal carcinoma

变性                                      degeneration

玻璃样变                               hyaline change

玻璃样变性(透明变性)              hyaline degeneration

淀粉样变                               amyloidosis

粘液样变性                        mucoid degeneration

水变性                                    hydropic degeneration

脂肪变                                    fatty change

脂肪变性                                 fatty degeneration

变质                                                 alteration

编织骨                                      woven bone

表皮生长因子                                   epidermal growth factor, EGF

槟榔肝                                    nutmeg liver

病理改变                                          pathologic changelesion

病理性钙化                             pathologic calcification

营养不良性钙化                        dystrophic calcification

转移性钙化                        metastatic calcification

病理性色素沉着                 pathologic pigmentation

病理学                                      pathology

超微结构病理学                        ultrastructural pathology

定量病理学                               quantitative pathology

分子病理学                               molecular pathology

免疫病理学                               immunopathology

普通病理学                               general pathology

              器官病理学                               organ pathology

              人体病理学                               human pathology

实验病理学                               experimental pathology

外科病理学                               surgical pathology

细胞病理学                               cellular pathology

系统病理学                                systemic pathology

遗传病理学                                genetic pathology

诊断病理学           diagnostic pathology

病理学诊断                               pathologic diagnosis

病因学                                      etiology

补体系统                                          complement system

不稳定细胞                               labile cells


层粘连蛋白                               laminin                              

肠上皮化生                               intestinal metaplasia

超微结构                                          ultrastructure

成人呼吸窘迫综合征                 adult respiratory distress syndrome

程序性细胞死亡                        programmed cell death    

迟发延缓反应                                   delayed prolonged response

充血                                         hyperemia

动脉性充血                             arterial hyperemia

主动性充血                             active hyperemia

静脉性充血                             venous hyperemia

被动性充血                             passive hyperemia

出血                                         hemorrhage

穿胞通道                                          transcytoplasmic channel

穿胞作用                                          transcytosis

创伤愈合                                          wound healing

垂体功能减退                           hypopituitarism

垂体功能亢进                           hyperpituitarism

垂体腺瘤                                    pituitary adenoma

垂体性巨人症                           pituitary gigantism

垂体性侏儒症                           pituitary drawfism

促进                                                 promotion                             

催乳素过高血症                      hyperprolactinemia


大肠癌                                      carcinoma of large intestine

大体观察                                          gross observation

代偿性肥大                               compensatory hypertrophy

蛋白多糖                                          proteoglycans

单纯癌                                      carcinoma simplex

胆管炎                                      cholangitis

胆囊炎                                      cholecystitis

胆石症                                      cholelithiasis

氮质血症                                          azotemia

淀粉样物质                               amyloid

点状坏死                                          spotty necrosis

凋亡                                      apoptosis

凋亡小体                                      apoptotic bodies

动静脉畸形                               arteriovenous malformation, AVM

动物实验                                          animal experiment

窦道                                      sinus

毒血症                                      toxemia

端粒                                                 telomeres                           

多倍体                                      polyploidy                         

多核巨细胞                               multinuclear giant cell

多形性                                      pleomorphism                

多形性胶质母细胞瘤               glioblastoma multiforme


恶病质                                      cachexia

恶性变                                      malignant change               

恶性淋巴瘤                               malignant lymphoma

恶性周围神经鞘肿瘤               malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, MPNST

恶性组织细胞增生症                 malignant histiocytosis

二期愈合                                          healing by second intention


发病学                                      pathogenesis

放线菌病                                     actinomycosis

肺癌                                                 carcinoma of the lung

大细胞肺癌                               large cell lung carcinoma

肺腺癌                                      adenocarcinoma of the lung

肺神经内分泌癌                        neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung

细支气管肺泡癌                        bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma

小细胞肺癌                               smal cell lung carcinoma

燕麦细胞癌                               oat cell carcinoma

肺尘埃沉着症                                   pneumoconiosis

肥大                                      hypertrophy

肥达反应                                     Widal reaction

非典型增生                               atypical hyperplasiadysplasia               

非霍奇金淋巴瘤                        non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Burkitt 淋巴瘤                        Burkitt lymphoma

弥漫型大细胞性B细胞淋巴瘤       diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

滤泡型淋巴瘤                                   follicular lymphoma

T/NK细胞淋巴瘤                        T/NK-cell lymphoma

周围T细胞淋巴瘤,非特指              peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecific

肺硅沉着症                               silicosis

肺囊性纤维化                                   pulmonary cystic fibrosis

肺气肿                                      pulmonary emphysema

代偿性肺气肿                                   compensatory emphysema

肺泡性肺气肿                                   alveolar emphysema

间质性肺气肿                                   interstitial emphysema

老年性肺气肿                                   senile emphysema

全腺泡型肺气肿                        panacinar emphysema

腺泡中央型肺气肿                            centriacinar emphysema

腺泡周围型肺气肿                            periacinar emphysema

阻塞性肺气肿                                   obstructive emphysema

肺肉质变                                          pulmonary carnification

肺石棉沉着症                                   asbestosis

肺吸虫病                                  paragonimiasis

肺心病                                      cor pulmonale

肺炎                                                 pneumonia

病毒性肺炎                               viral pneumonia

大叶性肺炎                               lobar pneumonia

军团菌肺炎                               egionella pneumonia

融合性支气管肺炎                            confluent bronchopneumonia

小叶性肺炎                               lobular pneumonia

支气管肺炎                               bronchopneumonia

支原体肺炎                               mycoplasmal pneumonia

非整倍体                                          aneuploidy                         

分子生物学技术                        molecular biology techniques

分级                                                 grading                                     

分期                                                 staging                                     

副肿瘤综合征                                   paraneoplastic syndrome  


       肝癌                                                 liver carcinoma

原发性肝癌                               primary carcinoma of the liver

肝细胞性肝癌                                   hepatocellular carcinoma

肝肾综合征                               hepatorenal syndrome

肝硬化                                      liver cirrhosis

胆汁性肝硬化                                   billiary cirrhosis

坏死后性肝硬化                        postnecrotic cirrhosis

酒精性肝硬化                                   alcoholic cirrhosis

              门脉性肝硬化                                   portal cirrhosis

       肝炎                                                 hepatitis

病毒性肝炎                               viral hepatitis

酒精性肝炎                               alcoholic hepatitis

梗死                                         infarction

白色梗死                                   white infarct

出血性梗死                             hemorrhagic infarct

红色梗死                                  red infarct

贫血性梗死                                     anemic infarct

微小梗死                                  microinfarct

宫内膜样肿瘤                           endometrioid tumors

钩端螺旋体病                          leptospirosis

骨肉瘤                                      osteosarcoma                

骨折                                                 bone fracture

硅肺结核病                               silicotuberculosis

硅肺性空洞                               silicotic cavity

硅结节                                      silicotic nodule


海绵状脑病                               spongiform encephalopathy

含铁小结                           siderotic nodule

含铁血黄素                             hemosiderin

黑色素                               melanin

黑色素瘤                                          melanoma                        

黑色素瘤病                               melanomatosis

喉癌                                                 carcinoma of the larynx

横纹肌肉瘤                               rhabdomyosarcoma             

化生                                      metaplasia

花生四烯酸                               arachidonic acid

化学介质                                          chemical mediator

化学因子                                          chemokine

华支睾吸虫病                        clonorchiasis

坏疽                                      gangrene

干性坏疽                               dry gangrene

气性坏疽                                 gas gangrene

湿性坏疽                               moist gangrene

坏死                                      necrosis

干酪样坏死                        caseous necrosis

凝固性坏死                        coagulative necrosis

溶解性坏死                        lytic necrosis

碎片状坏死                               piecemeal necrosis

纤维素样坏死                               fibrnoid necrosis

液化性坏死                        liquefactive necrosis

脂肪坏死                                fatty necrosis

缓激肽                                      bradykinin

黄曲霉毒素                               aflatoxin 

获得性免疫缺陷综合征                acquired immunodeficiency syndromeAIDS

霍奇金病                                          Hodgkin's disease

霍奇金淋巴瘤                                   Hodgkin's lymphoma

结节硬化型                               nodular sclerosis

混合细胞型                               mixture cellularity

淋巴细胞减少型                        lymphocyte depletion

淋巴细胞为主型                        lymphocyte predominance

活体组织检查                                   biopsy


机化                                      organization

棘球蚴病                           echinococcosis

脊髓灰质炎                               poliomyelitis

脊髓灰质炎病毒                       poliovirus

畸胎瘤                                      teratoma                              

激肽系统                                          kinin system

激肽原                                      kininogen

肌纤维母细胞                                   myofibroblast

急性胃炎                                          acute gastritis

急性卡他性胃炎                        acute catarrhal gastritis

急性出血性胃炎                        acute hemorrhagic gastritis

急性蜂窝织炎性胃炎                 acute phlegmonous gastritis

假结核结节                   pseudotubercle

假粘液瘤                                          pseudomyxoma

痂下愈合                                          healing under scab

甲状腺功能亢进症                      hyperthyroidism

甲状腺功能低下                      hypothyroidism

甲状腺腺癌                               thyroid carcinoma

              滤泡型腺癌                             follicular adenocarcinoma

              乳头状癌                                  papillary carcinoma

              髓样癌                                      medullary carcinoma

甲状腺腺瘤                               thytoid adenoma

甲状腺炎                                          thytoiditis

甲状腺肿                                    gioter

家族性息肉病                                   familial polyposis

减压病                                    decompression sickness

胶原蛋                                      collagen

间变                                                 anaplasia                               

尖锐湿疣                                     condyloma acuminatum

间质                                                 stromamesenchyma

浆液性肿瘤                               serous tumors

交界性肿瘤                               borderline tumor

胶质瘤                                    glioma

结肠多发性息肉病                            polyposis coli

结核病                                            tuberculosis

继发性肺结核病                        secondary pulmonary tuberculosis

急性全身粟粒性结核病                acute systemic miliary tuberculosis

急性肺粟粒性结核病                       acute pulmonary miliary tuberculosis

原发性肺结核病                        primary pulmonary tuberculosis

结核结节                                     tubercle

结核球                                            tuberculoma

接触抑制                                          contact inhibition

浸润                                                 infiltration                       

进行性多灶性白质软化               progressive multifocal leukomalacia, PML

静脉石                                    phlebolith

精原细胞瘤                               seminoma

酒精透明小体                                   alcoholic hyaline

酒精性肝病                               alcoholic liver disease

局限性肠炎                               regional enteritis

局灶性节段性肾小球硬化          focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

       菌血症                                      bacteremia


卡波西肉瘤                               Kaposi's sarcoma

克汀病(或呆小症)                      cretinism

颗粒细胞瘤                               granulosa cell tumor

颗粒卵泡膜细胞瘤                      granulosa-theca cell tumors      

-雅氏病                                    Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, CJD

枯颅病                                    Kuru disease

空洞                                      cavity

库欣综合征                               Cushing's syndrome

溃疡                                      ulcer

急性应激性溃疡                        acute stress ulcer


阑尾粘液囊肿                                   mucocele

阑尾炎                                      appendicitis

急性单纯性阑尾炎                            acute simple appendicitis

急性蜂窝织炎性阑尾炎                     acute phlegmonous appendicitis

急性坏疽性阑尾炎                            acute gangrenous appendicitis

Langerhans细胞组织细胞增生症       Langerhans cell histiocytosis

骨的嗜酸性肉芽肿                            eosinophilic granuloma of the bone

Hand-Schüller-Christian               Hand-Schüller-Christian disease

Letterer-Siwe                            Letterer-Siwe disease

郎罕巨细胞                                     Langhans giant cell

类白血病反应                                   leukemoid reaction

粒细胞肉瘤                               granulocytic sarcoma

冷脓肿                                            cold abscess

淋巴因子                                          lymphokine

淋病                                        gonorrhea

鳞状细胞癌                               squamous cell carcinoma        

流式细胞术                               flow cytometry, FCM

流行性出血热                          epidemic hemorrhagic fever

流行性脑脊髓膜炎                    epidemic menigococcic meningitis

流行性乙型脑炎                      epidemic encephalitis B

瘘管                                      fistula

颅咽管瘤                                    craniopharyngioma

绿色瘤                                      chloroma


麻风                                        leprosy

慢性阻塞性肺病                        chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

慢性肺源性心脏病                            chronic cor pulmonale

慢性溃疡性结肠炎                            chronic ulcerative colitis

慢性胃炎                                          chronic gastritis

慢性萎缩性胃炎                        chronic atrophic gastritis

慢性浅表性胃炎                        chronic superficial gastritis

慢性消化性溃疡                        chronic peptic ulcer

慢性子宫颈炎                           chronic cervicitis

慢性支气管炎                                   chronic bronchitis

毛霉菌病                                   mucormycosis

梅毒                                        syphilis

糜烂                                      erosion

弥散性血管内凝血                    disseminated intravascular coagulationDIC

免疫组织化学                                   immunohistochemistry


男性乳腺发育                           gynecomastia

囊腔                                      cyst

脑出血                                    brain hemorrhage

脑积水                                    hydrocephalus

脑膜瘤                                    meningioma

脑膜炎                                      meningitis

脑内出血                                    intracerebral hemorrhage

脑疝形成                                    brain herniation

脑水肿                                    brain edema

粘连糖蛋白                               adhesive glycoprotein

粘膜相关淋巴组织                            mucous associated lymphoid tissueMALT

念球菌病                                     candidiasis

粘液癌                                      mucoid carcinoma         

粘液性肿瘤                               mucinous tumors

尿毒症                                      uremia

尿崩症                                    diabetes insipidus

凝血酶调节蛋白                       thrombomodulin

脓毒败血症                               pyemia

脓肿                                                 abscess


帕金森病                                    Parkison's disease

旁分泌                                      paracrine                            

膀胱移行细胞癌                        transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder

胚胎性癌                                    embryonal carcinoma

Ph1染色体                                   Ph1 chromosome

皮质醇增多症                           hypercortisolism

脾肿大                                      splenomegaly

平滑肌瘤                                          leiomyoma                          

平滑肌肉瘤                               leiomyosarcoma  


气球样变性                               ballooning degeneration

前列腺癌                                          carcinoma of the prostate

前列腺增生                               hyperplasia of the prostate

桥接坏死                                          bridging necrosis

趋化作用                                          chemotaxis

曲菌病                                            aspergillosis

缺血                                          ischemia

缺血性脑病                               ischemic encephalopathy

缺氧                                      hypoxia


妊娠滋养细胞疾病                            gestational trophoblastic disease,GTD

部分性葡萄胎                             partial hydatidiform mole

侵蚀性葡萄胎                             invasive hydatidiform mole

葡萄胎                                      hydatidiform mole

绒毛膜癌                                          choriocarcinoma

胎盘部位滋养细胞肿瘤                     placental site trophoblastic tumor,PSTT.

完全性葡萄胎                             complete hydatidiform mole

溶组织阿米巴                              entameba histolytica

肉瘤                                                 sarcoma                           

肉芽肿                                      granuloma

肉芽组织                                          granulation tissue

R-S细胞                                    Reed-Sternberg cell

乳头状瘤                                          papilloma                           

乳腺癌                                      carcinoma of the breast

导管内癌                                 intraductal carcinoma

非粉刺型导管内癌                    noncomedo intraductal carcinoma

粉刺癌                                      comedo carcinocma

浸润性导管癌                                   invasive ductal carcinoma

浸润性小叶癌                             invasive lobular carcinoma

髓样癌                                      medullary carcinoma                

              硬癌                                                 scirrhous carcinoma                

乳腺纤维囊性变                      fibrocystic change of the breast

软骨肉瘤                                          chondrosarcoma                

软化                                      malacia

软脑膜炎                                    leptomenigitis

软脑膜癌病                               leptomeningeal carcinomatosis

朊蛋白病                                    prion protein disease


伤寒病                                            typhoid fever

伤寒肉芽肿                                     typhoid granuloma

伤寒小结                                     typhoid nodule

上皮内瘤变                               intraepithelial neoplasia         

上皮样细胞                                     epithelioid cell

少突胶质细胞瘤                      oligodendrocytoma

Sheehan综合征                            Sheehan syndrome

肾病                                                 nephropathy

IgA肾病                                      IgA nephropathy

膜性肾病                                          membranous nephropathy

肾病综合征                               nephrotic syndrome

渗出                                                 exudation

渗出液                                      exudate

神经母细胞瘤                                   neuroblastoma                

神经鞘瘤                                    neurilemoma

神经纤维瘤                               neurofibroma

神经纤维瘤病                           neurofibromatosis, Von Recklinghausen’s disease

肾母细胞瘤                               nephroblastoma

肾胚胎瘤                                          embryonic tumor of the kidney

肾上腺皮质功能低下                 adrenocortical insufficiency

肾上腺皮质腺癌                      adrenocortical adenocarcinoma

肾上腺皮质腺瘤                      adrenocortical adenoma

肾上腺生殖器综合征                 adrenogenital syndrome

肾细胞癌                                          renal cell carcinoma

肾小球肾炎                               glomerulonephritis

Heymann肾炎                      Heymann nephritis

抗肾小球基底膜肾炎                 anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis

快速进行性肾小球肾炎                     rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

急性弥漫性增生性肾小球肾炎       acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis

链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎          poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis

慢性肾小球肾炎'                        chronic glomerulonephritis

慢性硬化性肾小球肾炎                     chronic sclerosing glomerulonephritis

毛细血管内增生性肾小球肾炎       endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis

膜性肾小球肾炎                        membranous glomerulonephritis

膜性增生性肾小球肾炎                     membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

轻微病变性肾小球肾炎                     minimal change glomerulonephritis

系膜增生性肾小球肾炎                     mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

新月体性肾小球肾炎                 cresentic glomerulonephritis

肾炎综合征                               nephritic syndrome

肺出血肾炎综合征                            Goodpasture's syndrome

急性肾炎综合征                        acute nephritic syndrome

快速进行性肾炎综合征                     rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome

慢性肾炎综合征                        chronic nephritic syndrome

肾盂肾炎                                          pyelonephritis

急性肾盂肾炎                                   acute pyelonephritis

慢性肾盂肾炎                                   chronic pyelonephritis

生长因子                                          growth factors

失代偿                               decompensation

嗜铬细胞瘤                               phenochromocytoma

食管癌                                      carcinoma of the esophagus

室管膜(细胞)瘤               ependymoma

施万细胞瘤                               Schwannoma

石棉小体                                          asbestos bodies

嗜酸性坏死                               acidophilic necrosis

嗜酸性小体                               acidophilic body

尸体剖验                                        autopsy

视网膜母细胞瘤                        retinoblastoma                

适应                                      adaptation

树胶样肿                                     gumma

栓塞                                         embolism

空气栓塞                                  air embolism

气体栓塞                                  gas embolism

血栓栓塞                                  thromboembolism

羊水栓塞                                  amniotic fluid embolism

脂肪栓塞                                  fat embolism

栓子                                         embolus

水肿                                                 edema

淤血性水肿                             congestive edema

丝虫病                             filariasis

Simond 综合征                           Simond syndrome

速发短暂反应                                   immediate transient response

速发持久反应                                   immediate sustained response

髓母细胞瘤                               medulloblastoma

损伤                                      injury


糖尿病                                    diabetes mellitus

特发性肾上腺萎缩                      idiopathic adrenal atrophy

听神经瘤                                    acoustic neurinoma

图像分析                                          image analysis, IA

吞入                                                 engulfment

吞噬溶酶体                               phagolysosome

吞噬体                                      phagosome

吞噬作用                                          phagocytosis


胃癌                                                 carcinoma of the stomach

未分化癌                                          undifferentiated carcinoma

胃溃疡                                      gastric ulcer

胃泌素瘤                                    gastrinoma

萎缩                                      atrophy 

胃炎                                                 gastritis

腐蚀性胃炎                               corrosive gastritis

肥厚性胃炎                               hypertrophic gastritis

疣状胃炎                                          gastritis verrucosa

Wilms                                    Wilms' tumor

稳定细胞                                          stable cells

-弗氏综合征                           Waterhouse-Friederichsen syndrome


细胞分裂周期基因                            cell division cycle gene

细胞化学                                          cytochemistry

细胞培养                                          cell culture

细胞水肿                                      cellular swelling

细胞死亡                                      cell death

细胞外基质                               extracellular matrix        

细胞学检查                               cytologic examination

细胞因子                                          cytokine

       细菌性痢疾                                     bacillary dysentery

息肉                                                 polypus

炎性息肉                                          inflammatory polypus

增生性息肉                               hyperplastic polypus

腺癌                                                 adenocarcinoma                

管状腺癌                                          tubular adenocarcinoma

粘液腺癌                                          mucinous adenocarcinoma

乳头状腺癌                               papillary adenocarcinoma

印戒细胞癌                               signet-ring cell carcinoma

腺鳞癌                                      adenosquamous carcinoma

腺瘤                                                 adenoma                           

多形性腺瘤                               pleomorphic adenoma         

绒毛状腺瘤                               villous adenoma

乳头状腺瘤                               papillary adenoma

息肉状腺瘤                               polypous adenoma               

纤维腺瘤                                          fibroadenoma                       

腺瘤性息肉                               adenomatous polyp

纤维蛋白多肽                                   fibrinopeptide

纤维连结蛋白                                   fibronectin, FN

纤维母细胞生长因子                 fibroblast growth factor, FGF

纤维瘤                                      fibroma                             

纤维粘连蛋白                                   fibronectin                         

纤维肉瘤                                          fibrosarcoma                   

象皮肿                             elephantiasis

新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征                     neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

新生儿肺透明膜病                            hyaline membrane disease of newborn

性传播性疾病                          sexually transmitted disease, STD

星形胶质细胞瘤                       astrocytoma

性早熟症                                    precocious puberty

胸膜斑                                      pleural plaques

胸膜间皮瘤                               pleural mesothelioma

修复                                  repair

蓄积                                      accumulation

绪论                                                 introduction

血管瘤                                      hemangioma                 

血管肉瘤                                          hemangiosarcoma

血管内皮生长因子                            vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF

血管形成                                          angiogenesis

血色病                                      hemochromatosis

血栓                                         thrombus

白色血栓                           pale thrombus

红色血栓                           red thrombus

混合血栓                           mixed thrombus

透明血栓                           hyaline thrombus

延续性血栓                      propagating thrombus

血栓形成                                    thrombosis

血吸虫病                                  schistosomiasis

血小板减少症                                   thrombocytopenia

血小板增多症                                   thrombocytosis

血小板源性生长因子                 platelet derived growth factor, PDGF

血肿                                         hematoma


亚致死性细胞损伤                   sublethal cell injury

演进                                                 progression                

炎症                                                 inflammation

              急性炎症                                          acute inflammation

              慢性炎症                                          chronic inflammation

              慢性肉芽肿性炎                        chronic granulomatous inflammation

胰岛素瘤                                    insulinoma

胰岛细胞瘤                               islet-cell tumor

一过性脑缺血症                       transient ischemic attacks, TIAs

溢乳闭经综合征                      galactorrhea- amenorrhea syndrome

胰腺癌                                      carcinoma of the pancreas

胰腺炎                                      pancreatitis

急性出血性胰腺坏死                 acute hemorrhagic necrosis of pancreas

移行细胞癌                               transitional cell carcinoma 

异质化                                      heterogeneity                      

硬化性腺病                               sclerosing adenosis

硬脑膜炎                                    pachymeningitis

原癌基因                                          proto-oncogene                       

原发性醛固酮增多症                 primary hyperaldosteronism

原发综合征                                     primary complex

原始性神经上皮肿瘤               primitive neuroectodermal tumor, PNET

原位癌                                      carcinoma in situ         

一期愈合                                          healing by first intention

隐球菌病                                     cryptococcosis

永久性细胞                               permanent cells

幽门梗阻                                          pyloric stenosis

幽门螺旋杆菌                                   helicobacter pylori, HP

疣状癌                                      verrucous carcinoma

瘀斑                                         ecchymosis

瘀点                                         petechia

淤血                                         congestion

淤血性硬化                               congestive sclerosis


再生                                                 regeneration

再通                                         recanalization

增生                                      hyperplasia

子宫颈癌                                    carcinoma of the cervix

微灶浸润型鳞状细胞癌                     microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma

浸润型鳞状细胞癌                    invasive squamous cell carcinoma

子宫颈腺癌                             cervical adenocarcinoma

子宫颈上皮非典型增生             cervical epithelial dysplasia

子宫颈上皮内瘤变                      cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN

子宫内膜癌                               endometrial carcinoma

腺棘皮癌                                    adenoacanthoma

腺鳞癌                                      adenosquamous carcinoma

子宫内膜非典型增生                 endometrial atypical hyperplasia

子宫内膜增生                           endometrial hyperplasia

单纯增生                                    simple hyperplasia

复杂型增生                               complex hyperplasia

子宫内膜样癌                                   endometrioid carcinoma

子宫内膜异位症                      endometriosis

子宫平滑肌瘤                           leiomyoma of the uterus

子宫平滑肌肉瘤                      leiomyosarcoma of the uterus.

子宫腺肌病                               adenomyosis

自分泌                                      autocrine

自身免疫性肾上腺炎                 autoimmune adrenalitis

震颤性麻痹                                     paralysis agitans

整合                                                 integration                           

整合素                                      integrin                              

肢端肥大症                               acromegaly

脂肪瘤                                      lipoma                              

脂肪肉瘤                                          liposarcoma                         

脂肪浸润                                      fatty infiltration

脂褐素                               lipofuscin

支气管哮喘                               bronchial asthma

支气管扩张症                                   bronchiectasis

支气管癌                                          bronchial carcinoma

脂性肾病                                          lipoid nephrosis

止血塞                                    hemostatic plug

致突变剂                                          mutagen                            

肿瘤                                                 neoplasmtumor                              

肿瘤形成                                          neoplasia                           

肿瘤抑制基因                                   tumor suppressor gene    

周期素                                      cyclins

周期素依赖性激酶                            cycline-dependent kinase, CDK

蛛网膜下腔出血                      subarachenoid hemorrhage

转导                                                 transduction                   

转化                                                 transformation                        

转移                                                 metastasis                          

转归                                                 outcome

转化生长因子                                   transforming growth factor, TGF

组胺                                                 histamine

组织化学                                          histochemistry

组织培养                                          tissue culture